============ DISview [518] !SCRIPTS.TXT ============ The "scripts" facility in NET allows you to run up/down scripts whenever particular PPP links come up/go down. To use this feature, edit the file ~/scripts to specify the names of "up" and "down" scripts to be executed when a connection is made to a particular IP address. >> Example of ~/scripts: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ up222 down222 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Each line of the file has three fields. The first is the remote IP address negotiated by PPP. The second and third are the scripts (stored in ~/spool/scripts) to be executed when the link appears/disappears. Thus in the example above, ~/spool/scripts/up222 is executed when the link to appears, and ~/spool/scripts/down222 is executed when the link disappears. Any NET commands may be placed in these scripts. For example, this is a useful place to find out the status of the Demon system and perhaps adjust routing and nameserver details. >> Example of ~/spool/scripts/up222: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ finger status@gate.demon.co.uk ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~